To support the development of South Africa into a peaceful, non-violent nation and setting a positive example on the African continent.

We provide stability by curbing violence through rape prevention programs, supporting the healing of rape victims & orphans and by assisting in the creation of economic opportunities for the underprivileged.

Our volunteers, program developers, outreach workers, marketing and business experts – here and there – will work together to shift patterns and make a difference one life at a time.


Here is a list of people and organizations that inspire us to do what we do. Thanks to all of you for leading the way!

University of Santa Monica (USM)

Pacifica Graduate School


Marshal B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. – Author of “Nonviolent Communication”

Greg Mortenson – Co-Author of “3 Cups of Tea”

Muhammad Yunus – Founder of the Grameen Bank

Thomas L. Friedman – Author of “The World is Flat”

And many many others…


The original idea was developed by the founders of the German-American marketing agency conceptbakery. The group had initiated a number of for cause projects before but decided to become more involved this time. The incorporation of Ubuntu Now as a Colorado Non-Profit corporation and the start of South Africa Project are allowing for a higher level of engagement: A team of international specialists has been formed – stretching from well known marketing, web 2.0 and social media experts to psychologists, financial experts and organizations already working successfully in South Africa.


We are a marketing agency with offices in Germany and the United States. We are passionate about soccer. conceptbakery successfully implemented a program during the 2006 World Cup in Germany that helped to raise over $30,000 for a school in India.

Time has passed since then and we are ready to think a little bigger:

We are better connected and have more opportunities to reach out.

We’ve had more experience with non-profit work since then.

Our web video production platform moviebakery has successfully produced a series of “for cause” videos that have been very well received.

We did the last World Cup project in less than 3 months. This time we are talking about a 2 year project (initially) that might well be continued past the World Cup.

The wife of the co-founder of conceptbakery is a board member of a group that empowers teenage girls. She also studies depth psychology and has provided some valuable insights to the non-experts at conceptbakery.

This project felt like a “must do” to us once we analyzed the situation and noticed our opportunity to make a difference.

We are experts in creating awareness in non-traditional ways. Our professional marketing and community management abilities are a perfect match for the needs of the program: Gathering widespread support and taking action on what we believe in.


We are social media experts. We live in a world were major supporters are available through one or two friends – not the six degrees of the offline world.

We will utilize our existing business relationships and will also work with now corporate clients that are interested in meaningful ways of using the 2010 Soccer world Cup and South Africa Project for their own benefits. We are known to provide tailored solutions to each client – this project offers a unique way for business to gain profile, act authentic and become involved in something rather meaningful.

We will use community platforms like Facebook to the fullest extend. Expect to see quite a bit of us in the online world pretty soon. You could actually join our support group on Facebook now.

Learn more about our action plan.


You might know it as a Linux operating system. But there is more: Ubuntu is an ageless African concept basically standing for kindness toward other human beings, for caring and sharing and being in harmony with all of creation (David Holt Bidle).

Archbishop Desmond Tutu gave the following definition: “A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.”

These are inspring words to us. We think it our time to practice a little Ubuntu ourselves.

BTW: Ubuntu is seen as one of the founding principles of the new republic of South Africa.
Learn more


05    September 2008

Official launch of South Africa Project website – getting started!

06    September 2008

Start of the World Cup Qualification in Europe

19    September 2008

Blogworld Expo in Las Vegas – Time to hit the Blogosphere with this project. We will be there!

22    October 2008

Desmond Tutu speaking in Denver as part of the Insight Speaker Series. Looking forward to meeting him:-)

11    June 2010

Opening game of the 2010 World Cup